Written By :Gigde

Thu Feb 29 2024

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Enhance User Experience in SEO to Boost Business Online

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Did you know 88% of users are unlikely to return to a website with a bad user experience? But what is even more scary is the fact that 13% of customers will tell about 15 or more people about their experience. So, if your website lacks good UX, it is time to take user experience in SEO seriously.

Let's consider this scenario: a user lands up to your website but cannot seem to find the product or the checkout page- do you think they will go ahead with the purchase? Certainly not! Today's consumer is spoilt for choices, and they take less than 10 seconds to make up their mind,

In this digital world, a website equals a storefront, so how do you think users will react to a bad experience? They will never return, and you lose them to your competitors. Moreover, a bad user experience can also beat down your website's ranking. Therefore, this blog helps you explore user experience and what you can do to improve it.

If you are unfamiliar with the term user experience, the next section will change it, so keep reading.

What is user experience in SEO?

User experience refers to how users interact with your website. A good user experience enables you to achieve your business goals easily. A bad experience, on the other hand, will harm your website and your business.

For example, if you run an online e-commerce web store and your customers are having trouble navigating, they will immediately leave your website. On the other hand, if you create a website with an excellent experience, converting visitors to customers becomes ten times easier.

The following are three types of UX in SEO that can help you understand the customers' needs.


Information architecture is an important part of content strategy that often gets overlooked. How a website's information is organized and presented can easily improve the UX of your website.


Optimizing the interactive elements of your site, like buttons, menus, etc., is very important if you want to prolong your customers' stay.

Visual Design

Your website's overall look and feel matter a lot to your end users. A poorly designed website will cause aversion; a beautiful website will make them stay.

User experience is an essential part of your website SEO, but do you know why? If you want to know how user experience in SEO matters, keep reading the section below.

How are SEO and UX design related?

By now, you already know how much user experience matters to your site visitors. You may not know that SEO and UX design share the same goal: To build a website that efficiently caters to your users' needs. In fact, when evaluating a website, the search engine particularly looks for various UX elements to determine its ranking.

Simply put, UX determines if a customer remains on your website or leaves. The better the user experience, the more potential customers you will attract. The more people are interested in your website, the better its SERP ranking. This is proof of how much seo user experience matters.

How much you spend on your website's SEO and content does not matter to the customers. What they care about the most is if it brings them value and how easy it is to get. Sounds like user experience, right? So, it is not wrong to say that without UX, all of your efforts and investment will go down the drain.

Therefore, UX in SEO is paramount. But do you know how it affects your site's SEO? Well, if you don't, then you will know soon. The next section will focus on some important UX factors that directly affect your website's SEO, so keep reading.

Important User Experience Factors that Affect Your Website's SEO

Many factors affect how a user perceives your website. Similarly, some important factors directly affect the SEO of your business website. Here is a list of elements that come under user experience in SEO.

Page Speed

If a website takes more than a few seconds to load, it may have already lost some users by the time it opens. People's patience runs very thin, especially on the internet, so it's easy for them to become frustrated and leave your website. This is why page speed is considered a proven ranking factor for Google.

Responsive Design

In this digital age, the least people expect is for a website to run smoothly on any device they use. In fact, this has caused Google to go mobile-first indexing and ranking.


If navigating a site becomes difficult, the users will be more likely to leave, which will naturally affect your bounce rate and click-through. Both are important parts of the SEO user experience.

Website Copy

Copy is essential when guiding the users around your website and directing them to the right information. It's like road signs that direct users in the right direction. So, the better your website copy, the longer users spend on your website. And if you do not know, dwell time is considered pretty important for SEO.

UI Design

The design has been mentioned previously, so you might already know it is crucial for your website. Although the search engine cannot access your website visuals, it can determine how aesthetically pleasing it is based on the bounce rates.

If you tackle all of these factors within your website, you will be able to improve your user experience in SEO. Consequently, your website ranking will also improve. What do you think will happen next? Your website will be swarmed with visitors. Check out the next section if you are interested to know about some useful UX SEO trends.

Top UX SEO best practices for businesses

Regarding user experience, it's very difficult to hit the mark with every customer. But that does not mean you cannot try. Thus, here are some useful UX SEO best practices you can use to retain your customers.

Keep it simple

Overdoing it will just make things more complicated. The best approach is to keep it simple. While website design is important, it is secondary; users do not come to your website to appreciate its beauty. They are there to complete and action; therefore, removing any unnecessary elements for a better UX in SEO is better.

Establish a visual hierarchy

Arrange your website's elements so visitors will naturally gravitate to the most important part.

Provide intuitive navigation

Planning an intuitive navigation for your website is very crucial. So that when users land on your website, they do not have to think much about where to click next. With good navigation, the SEO user experience will naturally become good.

Be consistent throughout your website

Your site's overall look and feel should be similar across all pages. Aside from navigation, the background, typefaces, and even the tone of the content should be consistent to improve the effectiveness of your website.

Improve the responsiveness of your site

To provide a truly great user experience your business should be compatible with different devices.

Make it accessible

One useful method to boost user experience in SEO is by making your website more accessible. Therefore, aim to make a website anyone can use, including people with disabilities.

By following these simple steps, you will be able to make sure your users have a great time visiting your website. But if you feel like user experience on your own is a bit difficult, you can always get an expert's help. Keep reading the section below to learn more about this UX expert.

Improve your user experience in SEO with the help of Gigde

Gigde is a full-service digital marketing company with a range of experience in SEO. Our expertise can easily help you improve your website's user experience. But that is not all. We can also provide you access to top experts to help you implement any changes you want. Here is how you will benefit from our services:

Improved brand perception

Under the expertise of our professional, your site user experience and your brand's perception will both increase.,

High ROI

We will conduct effective UX research to improve your business site's SEO ux design significantly. By reducing your risk of failure, we will boost your ROI.

Keep up with trends

We can help you keep up with the latest UX SEO trends so you never miss out on anything.

Improved Efficiency

After hiring our services, you will experience an improvement in the efficiency of your website.

Better user retention

User experience in SEO determines your customer's satisfaction. With our help, you will be able to attract, engage, and retain customers easily.


If you are planning to launch a business website, user experience in SEO is something you should pay attention to. After all, users only ever care about their experience. And if your website does not give a good experience, you are better off without it. And if you need help enhancing your website user experience, then remember to check out Gigde.

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