Written By :Gigde

Tue Nov 28 2023

5 min read

What are the Reasons for the Drop in Organic Traffic in 2023

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You built a website, and it's doing extremely well. But then suddenly, you experience a sudden drop in organic traffic. What went wrong? In this article, we shall discuss the reasons for the drop in organic traffic and the potential solutions on how to fix it.

We will cover all the things related to this. Such as the best ways to increase organic traffic to your website and all the issues regarding backlinks. So read the article till the end to gain immense insights. So that you can prevent a drop in organic traffic.

A drop in organic traffic can hurt not only your website but also you as a website owner. You have put in all the work in building and optimizing your website. And when you see a sudden drop in traffic, you start to wonder what went wrong. Many website owners are confused and ask the question, "My website traffic has dropped dramatically; what do I do? If you are confused about the reasons for the drop in organic traffic, then you have come to the right place. This article will cover the reasons for and potential solutions to the issue.

Any Backlink Issues in Organic Traffic?

Backlinks issues are usually the cases. It could be some backlink issues or even something as simple as a decline in the quality of your content. This is when the backlinks in your website are broken or the URLs seem too long. Hence, search engines consider these URLs as broken or spammy. This results in search engines ranking your website lower.

And when your website is ranked lower in the search engine, the number of people visiting decreases. Hence, this results in a drop in organic traffic.

Is your Content Targeted to your Audience?

One of the most common reasons for the drop in organic traffic Your content should be directly relevant to your target audience. As your website depends on visitors for search rankings, you need to prioritize and optimize your content for them, it is crucial to implement an effective content marketing strategy. Without relevant and high-quality content, it is very hard to retain your audience.

If your content isn't targeted to your audience, then nothing else matters. No matter how good your content is, if it's irrelevant, you can expect a drop in organic traffic.

You can fix this by creating high-quality content that's relevant to your audience. You can know your audience's preferences by conducting intensive research. Another way is to just ask questions on the community forums. This will help you understand the type of content your audience truly enjoys. Through this, you can optimize your content for your target audience.

Are you Producing Enough Content?

Content production is crucial if you want to get the most out of your organic traffic efforts.

Search engines are always looking for high-value content. Usually, content that offers something different to its users.

You also need to produce a good amount of content. It is common in the industry to produce content regularly. Hence, to keep up with your competitors, make sure you are producing regularly. One of the main reasons for the drop in organic traffic is that you're not producing enough content, to develop a robust organic search strategy.

What’s the Solution:

It may be difficult when you are starting. But, you can overcome this through experience. You can start small, but ensure that whatever content you produce is of high quality. This could be long-form articles, short articles, or video content. The content you create should be of higher value. This attracts and retains your audience. Eventually retaining the organic traffic to your website. Make sure to be consistent and regular.

Lastly, don't forget to refresh old content whenever necessary. Reevaluating your old pieces can help you spot any areas in your content strategy that need to be fixed. Rewriting and updating any old content is also a great way to give it an SEO boost.

Are you Updating your Web Design?

Bad web design is one of the most common reasons for the drop in organic traffic. Users must have a good experience when they visit your website. This happens only when you have a good website design for SEO. An outdated website design that looks like it's from 1996 can lead to people leaving your site. or, sometimes worse, not even visiting it in the first place. Hence, your website's design could be improved.

A well-designed website can help visitors navigate and discover relevant content easily. When you create a website, make sure it’s optimized for the user experience and mobile devices.

You also need to ensure that the website is fast and secure, instead of taking months to load. Many aspects of website design, such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript, can affect the speed of your website. If it takes too long for a website to load, you know they are not staying on it.

Also, make sure you are optimizing your images. Usually, reduce the file sizes of all multimedia, as these can slow down your website.

Are you even Promoting your Content?

If you're not promoting your content sufficiently, you can expect a drop in organic traffic. This is one of the biggest reasons for the drop in organic traffic. Content also needs to be promoted, as most of the time it acts as an indirect sales pitch for your website and products.

You need to make sure your content is visible to your audience. It's almost like a constant reminder that you produce content that has high value. If you don't promote your content, it fails to reach visitors. And this leads to a drop in your traffic. You can use several social media strategies and SEO tools to get your content out there.

Social media is one of the best ways to promote your content for free. Hence, grow social media presence and start stacking up your content and following.

How to Attract Traffic to The Website?

Determining the best way to get traffic to your website can be challenging. This is also one of the most important things in the online world. As traffic has become a crucial component, you have to find the time to optimize your website and reach potential visitors. The best and most effective way to do this is by implementing SEO.

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website. This is not to increase its visibility in search engines And this process increases the amount of traffic your website receives. When optimizing your website for SEO, there are several strategies to consider.

Relevant Content:

One of the main reasons for the drop in organic traffic is irrelevant content. This is probably the biggest mistake website owners make. And to rectify this, just do the opposite. Making relevant content for your target audience. By doing this, you can ensure a rise in organic traffic.

Mobile Responsiveness:

This is proven to provide significantly higher click-through rates than desktop searches. The majority of your traffic will click off your website if it's not responsive on their mobile device.

Right Keywords:

Keywords play a vital role in driving website traffic. As this is what your users are typing in the search bar of their devices. By targeting and using the right keywords, so avoid common keyword research mistakes to improve your SEO strategy. you can expect your website to show up whenever your audience inputs a query.

High-quality content:

By providing relevant and valuable content, you’ll be able to get more clicks and engagement. High-quality content will keep your audience hooked and wanting more. Hence, they keep coming back to your website. This boosts organic traffic and increases your search engine rankings.

What is Website Visitor Ranking?

One of the reasons for the drop in organic traffic. Website visitor ranking is an important factor that measures the success of your website. It is based on the number of visitors who come to your website over a given period. Visitors to a website are generated by several sources. These sources include organic search traffic, social media, direct traffic, referrals, and paid advertising.

To further optimize your website, you must have a basic understanding of all your traffic sources. And calculate which one of them gives you the most traffic. While also determining the path through which your organic traffic finds your website. Here are some of the traffic sources to keep in mind:

  • Organic search traffic is the most important source of website visitors. It is generated by people finding your website via a search engine.
  • The social media traffic is generated by people finding your website through social networks such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram, It is important to use effective strategies to improve Instagram reach, to build your social networks.
  • Direct traffic is generated when someone visits your website directly by typing your domain name into their browser.
  • Referral traffic is generated when someone clicks on a link to your website from another website.
  • Paid advertising campaigns can generate targeted traffic to your website.

To have a high website visitor ranking, one must optimize their website by their traffic. And know their audience well, so that they can curate relatable content targeted to them. Also as a website owner, you must be well aware of all the traffic sources through which your audience reaches your website.

If you are confused about how to determine your website visitor ranking, don't worry! As several tools conduct a test on your website and provide you with a score. Some of the websites that provide this are Semrush, se ranking, Ahrefs, etc.


A drop in organic traffic can seriously impact your website. However, improving it is a process that requires consistency and dedication. In this article, we discussed the possible reasons for the drop in organic traffic and how you can fix them. By optimizing your website using SEO and using social media platforms as leverage, you can increase organic traffic. Also, providing consistent, high-quality content while fixing all the broken backlinks. Hence, by following the steps, you can not only find out the reasons for the drop in organic traffic but also rectify them.

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