Written By :Gigde

Tue Feb 27 2024

5 min read

How to Use Low-Volume Keywords for Effective SEO

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In the world of SEO, we're all hunting for those low-competition keywords with high traffic. But they're rare to find. So, what about those low volume keywords? Are they worth anything at all?

Many assume low search volume keywords are just not worth the effort. But what if we looked at keyword selection differently? What if we prioritized relevance and intent over search volume? It turns out that that shift in perspective can lead to some pretty impressive results in the world of content and search engines.

But what exactly are low search volume keywords? And more importantly, how can it benefit your SEO efforts? So, let's walk you through it and find out.

What are low search volume keywords?

Low volume keywords are simply search terms that aren't typed into search engines as often compared to popular ones. While high traffic keywords attract a lot of attention, they also bring a lot of competition. Besides, it's hard to stand out in a place where competition is already high.

Now, low volume keywords might not bring a flood of visitors to your website, but they're a direct way for viewers to know exactly what you offer. Let's just say the traffic you will get will be more targeted and conversion rate optimization.

When you focus on these low search volume keywords, you're targeting people who are interested in what you offer. It's like speaking directly to the people who are already looking for what you sell rather than shouting to the masses.

Using these low volume keywords can actually improve your website's visibility over time. Search engines appreciate relevant content, so when you consistently use these terms, they'll start seeing your site as a go-to source for that topic. It's like building a reputation as an expert in your field.

So, while it might seem unreasonable to go after keywords with lower search volumes, they can be a strategic way to attract the right audience and organically grow your online presence. It's like finding your own space on the internet where you can stand out.

Importance of Low Search Volume Keywords in SEO

In the world of SEO, picking the right keywords is like finding a way to attract more viewers. There are many factors to consider, like how relevant the keywords are, what people are searching for, and how much competition there is. One metric that often gets questioned is the monthly search volume – basically, how many times people are typing in those keywords each month.

Now, the dream for any SEO expert is to stumble upon those rare gems: low-competition and high traffic keywords. But let's be real, those are like finding a needle in a haystack.

Let's take a look at how these low-search volume keywords benefit your SEO:


Low volume keywords, often long-tail phrases, are incredibly relevant to your target audience. Because they provide more specific information, they attract users closer to making a decision. And you know what that means? Higher chances of converting those visitors into customers.

Lower Competition

Since fewer businesses target low search volume keywords, you have a unique opportunity to dominate these niche topics. This reduces competition and increases your chances of ranking higher in Google search results.

Interest Building

Low volume keywords allow you to explore smaller or emerging niches. As a result, it helps you capture the interest of niche audiences. You can establish yourself as a valuable resource in these areas by catering to specific needs or interests.


By targeting multiple low search volume keywords simultaneously, you diversify your SEO strategy. This broad approach increases your chances of attracting diverse traffic streams. Eventually, it improves your overall website traffic.

Stronger Intent

Many low volume keywords exhibit strong commercial intent, indicating that users actively seek solutions or products. By targeting these "buying" keywords, you can attract users who are more likely to convert into customers.

Cumulative Effect

Each low volume keyword might not bring in a flood of traffic. But when you add them all up, they can make a big impression. Studies show that the majority of online searches are for these longer, more specific keywords.

So, next time you encounter a low volume keyword, don't dismiss it too quickly. Instead, see it as an opportunity to connect with your audience more deeply. But does that mean using high volume keywords is not beneficial at all? Read the next section as we discuss high volume low competition keywords.

Find High Search Volume Low Competition Keywords

As a business owner diving into digital marketing services, you're probably eager to see results from your investment. One way to speed up your success is to find high-traffic keywords, but not many businesses are targeting them. These keywords can boost your SEO efforts and lay the groundwork for future growth.

But how do you find these high search volume low competition keywords? Let's take a look:

Use Google Search to Find Keywords

Start by considering what words your customers might type into Google to find your products or services. Look for words that show they're ready to buy and cover different aspects of your offer.

Then, look at the search results to see what titles, URLs, and descriptions appear. This can give you ideas for how to structure your content.

Use Tools to Find Keywords

There are lots of free keyword tools out there that can help you find keywords related to specific topics. These tools give you data about how often people search for a keyword, how hard it is to rank for, and other useful information. Using these tools, you can find keywords with many potential customers searching for them that aren't too competitive.

Learning from Your Competitors

Look at other businesses in your industry and see what keywords they're using. These businesses target the same customers as you, so their keywords can be a good starting point. By studying your competitors' keywords, you can find even more opportunities to attract customers.

By using a mix of high search volume, low competition keywords in your SEO strategy, you can attract more customers and grow your business online.

Choosing Between High Volume and Low Volume Keywords

When picking keywords for your content or marketing campaigns, you have two main options: high volume and low search volume keywords. So, let's break down the differences and help you determine which might be best for your goals.

High Volume Keywords

High volume keywords are like promoting your business in a crowded space where many people can hear you. This can be great if you want to get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible and see quick results, like more subscriptions or purchases.


  • Expose your brand to a large audience
  • Produce immediate effects, perfect for short-term gains
  • Good for broad targeting and increased visibility


  • Higher associated costs, especially for clicks
  • Less targeted audience compared to low volume keywords

Low Volume Keywords

Conversely, low search volume keywords are like promoting your business to a small group in a small space where fewer people hear you, but they're more likely to listen. These keywords allow you to target specific niches and often come with lower costs.


  • Target unpopular search niches
  • Lower associated costs, making them more budget-friendly
  • Attract a more qualified and relevant audience.


  • Reach a smaller audience compared to high-volume keywords
  • It might not produce immediate effects but can be more effective for niche targeting.


CriteriaLow Volume KeywordHigh Volume Keyword
Cost per ClickGenerally lower compared to high-volume keywordsHigher due to increased competition and demand
Target MarketIdeal for narrow, specific audiencesEffective for reaching broad, general audiences
Product/ServiceCost-effective for lower-priced offeringsSuitable for products/services with broader appeal
Ads' PurposeUseful for immediate profit and niche targetingGreat for increasing brand visibility and broad exposure
Keyword LengthOften long tail keywords with specific intent and audience targetingTypically short tail keywords with broader reach


In the end, it's all about finding the right balance between reach and relevance. Low volume keywords might not bring in as much traffic, but they can deliver highly targeted results at a lower cost. High-volume keywords, on the other hand, can give you broader exposure but come with a higher price tag. So, depending on your goals, budget, and target audience, choose the keywords that best fit your needs.

So, if you're ready to optimize your keyword strategy and drive more traffic to your website, consult with Gigde today and discover how our expert team can help you reach your SEO goals.

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