Written By :Gigde

Mon Jun 24 2024

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What are Long Tail Keywords ? And How to Search Them

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People have started entering queries in the search engine in such a way that they use long phrases to find a website. As a result, long-tail keywords have gained more popularity when creating content on the website.

They play a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO) and attract a qualified audience to the website. Though they have less search volume than the other keywords, they provide better conversion rates. In other words, there is a high chance for the audience to purchase the product or services from the website.

SEO long-tail keyword phrases are long keywords made of four to eight words. They are more specific than other keywords and allow to draw more target audience to the website. However, long-tail keywords have low search volume when compared to short keywords. That is why they are called long-tail. In other words, they are at the tail of the search demand curve, with few people searching these terms. Learn more about keyword research and analysis in SEO by checking out our guide

In this blog, we will go through the topics:

  • What are a long-tail keyword optimization and its strategy
  • Importance of long-tail keywords in SEO
  • Long-tail Keyword Benefits

What is a Long-tail Keyword Optimization?

Though long-tail keywords are not popular search terms, they are used in the content to drive high-quality traffic and conversion rates. They are specific to your business users' search when they are close to the buying point. Therefore, finding SEO long-tail keyword phrases is valuable for your content to make it more specific, appear on search engine result pages and attract traffic.

Long-tail Keyword strategy has of great significance in SEO. There are different ways and tools to find these keywords. For organic traffic to reach your websites, Google, as a search engine, has many ways to find long-tail keywords.  Now, let us go through these ways:

How to Find Low Competition Long Tail Keywords?

  1. Google 'Related searches' suggestions: This is an effective way to find potential long-tail keywords. All you have to do in this method is type your keyword in the search bar and scroll down to the bottom of the search result page to see the Related searches. You can order one of the keywords from Related searches in the search bar. You will get another set of keywords from the related searches. As a result, you can repeat the process and combine the list of keywords. Find out what keyword research mistakes to avoid in our latest blog post
  2. Google Autofill and 'People also ask' boxes: These features of Google help to find SEO long-tail keyword phrases. They involve queries and terms the audience uses to find your website. Moreover, this method shows what people are most looking for. This way, you can understand the search intent of the user.
  3. Google Search Console: This is a service provided by Google that checks search terms and shows the performance of your website for specific search terms. Hence, this method will help you understand which keyword is promising to get your website on the first result page. As a result, you will find keywords to add to your content and will discover topics for your website.

How to Use Long-Tail Keywords in Website Content?

  • New Content Based on the keywords: Creating a new topic around the long-tail keyword can increase website traffic and improve performance.
  • In Content Title: Most users are inclined to click a website when they see the title. Moreover, they will likely consider your content when they see their search terms as precisely as the content title. Therefore, try to add long-tail keywords in the title or headings.
  • In the Content Itself: Here, you can split the long-tail keywords into various parts and incorporate them into the content. For example, when the long-tail keyword 'Web designers use WordPress, you can add parts of the keyword like 'designer', 'WordPress' or 'web' etc., to the content.

Why Focus on Long-Tail Keywords in SEO?

SEO long-tail keyword phrases, as earlier mentioned, have a significant role when there is high competition. The reason is that it can attract a high-quality audience to your website.

If you are looking for an SEO strategy to increase traffic to your website, then a long-tail keyword is a good choice for your content creation. SEO long-tail keyword Phrases help to optimize your content and enable your audience to find your website.

Though they are not commonly used as search terms by users, they have better conversion rates. It is because if a user types a long-tail keyword in the search engine, there is a high chance that the user will purchase the product or the services of the website.

For this reason, long-tail keywords are now commonly used in the content to gain high-intent traffic to the website. Moreover, they offer numerous other benefits for the website, such as better visibility, high rank, etc.

So long tail keywords benefits include:

Better Conversion rates: With long-tail keywords, you can discover the search intent and make your content relevant to the audience's needs. Thus, the content gives what the audience wants and converts the leads into sales. As a result, there will be better conversion rates.

Better for Voice searches: People using voice search to find information use long-tail keywords. They search queries as if they are asking a question in the search bar. Therefore, they are considered a high-intent audience. Moreover, they want a specific answer to their question. If they find the content helpful, they possibly convert into your customer. Thus, long-tail keyword helps to gain your conversion rates.

Increase visibility: Since there is less competition for the long-tail keyword when compared to the primary keyword, they are easier to rank for. Also, as these keywords are specific, it helps you to optimize your content for different searchers. Thus, it increases the content visibility of your website.

Ranking potential: Search engines rank websites on authority, quality and relevancy factors. Long-tail keywords can improve content relevancy by appropriately answering the search terms.


Using keywords in the content is the foundation of SEO. They help your website reach your audience. Moreover, they help to drive high-quality traffic to your website and increase your conversion rates. However, there is high competition for ranking in search engines, so more than merely using the primary keyword is required. In other words, you have to use keywords that define the user intent, and SEO long-tail keyword phrases have achieved this purpose. They are more specific and invite the relevant audience to your website. This results in better conversion rates and better traffic rates. Therefore long-tail keyword is a valuable tool to optimize your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What are Long Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are long search queries that are more highly specific than short-tail keywords. They act as phrases with four to eight words. They are less competitive and have less search volume than primary keywords since they are designed to serve user intent. However, they have better conversion rates because user searching with this keyword is most likely to make a purchase. As a result, it allows your website to get more traffic and sales.

2) What is the Feature of Long-Tail Keyword Phrases?

The features of long-tail keyword phrases include the following:

• They comprise four - eight words

• Long tail keywords are particular

• They have a low search volume

• They are less competitive

• They have high conversion rates

• Ensure organic traffic to your website

3) How to Use Long-Tail Keywords in Content?

Firstly, you must decide on the long tail keywords to use in your content. Secondly, you can create content with long-tail keywords and place them on your content naturally and preferably in the content title, headings, and first paragraph. Thirdly, understand the search intent of the target audience. You can find this through SEO tools like Google Analytics for the keywords people search to reach your website.

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