Written By :Gigde

Mon Jun 24 2024

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SEO For Branding: Best Way to Build Online Brand Awareness

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If SEO has nothing to do with building brand awareness, think again. Although search engine optimization is best-known for generating organic traffic, SEO for branding can help brands establish their online presence. 

Without visibility, brands are nothing but unknown entities. Customers only recognize and patronize brands on the search results page. Currently, there are over 1.8 billion websites on the Internet. So, how can brands capitalize on opportunities among the steep competition? The answer is SEO branding strategy. 

SEO provides visibility, increases the brand's recognition in the market, and focuses on enhancing customer user experience. The brand's website content, speed, purpose, and responsiveness contribute to online visibility and desirability. 

To supercharge your brand's awareness, target the correct demographic with the right content through SEO for branding. 

SEO for Branding: What is the Connection?

A business that aims to increase its brand awareness wants to be remembered by the public. But, brand awareness is more than just knowing the name - the customers must be able to recognize the brand's personality, values, niche, and products. This way, the brand gets recognition and differentiation. 

When a brand can conquer a unique and differentiated space in the audience's mind, customers will be interested in engaging with it. 

Marketing strategies used to consolidate brand definitions often overlook SEO for branding. By optimizing elements of your website, brands can improve their positioning in search engines and achieve a more significant online presence. As a result, websites will attract more traffic and convert visitors into customers. 

How to Use SEO for Branding? 

These days, marketers tend to overlook SEO's personal branding strategy while prioritizing paid advertising, social media, branded content, event sponsorship, and so on. In the long run, these strategies can prove laborious and expensive. 

On the other hand, SEO is an economical and efficient solution for building brand awareness. When done right, search engine optimization will get more people to visit your website and convert prospects into loyal customers. 

There's more to SEO for branding than that. SEO also allows the brand to deliver a strong message and a reputed image to the target audience. It establishes your business' authority in the industry, making your website a trustworthy source customers can rely on. 

So, how do you use search engine optimization to build brand awareness? Here's a detailed guide on SEO link-building strategy and other search engine optimization techniques:

1. Identifying Relevant Keywords

Identifying relevant keywords is the driving force of a successful SEO for a branding campaign. The best SEO strategy is optimizing your website content with keywords to target the right audience. Keywords determine how your website will be ranked in the search engine. 

Being visible near the top of the search engine results page (SERP) is also a form of social proof, and it boosts your website's credibility, and organic ranking is trusted more than paid ads. 

So, how can you find relevant keywords that fit your content? Keyword search tools like Semrush and Ahrefs usually give accurate search predictions. You can also browse through Quora to find popular topics and keywords. 

2. Publishing Quality Content

A situation where SEO for branding can help tremendously is where you have content that covers your niche. Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase your rankings on search pages, build brand awareness, and target your desired audience. 

Publishing quality content regularly alerts Google that your website is up-to-date and helps you reach a wider audience.

Your customers are constantly seeking information. Thus, publishing content helps establish trust, educates and engages your customers, and achieves conversions. When creating content for your website, focus on providing for your audience's needs. It could include FAQs and knowledge bases, engaging blogs, industry-related topics, etc. 

3. Making Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Today, an improved brand experience translates to viewable and functional websites on mobile devices. Customers usually use their smartphones to look up a brand, access entertainment, or make purchases. 

Therefore, your website should not only look appealing on a mobile screen, but it should also be responsive to whatever action your customer wants to take. Search engines also notice mobile-friendly websites. 

4. Creating an SEO Link-Building Strategy

A study by Ahrefs shows that backlinks are one of Google's top three ranking factors. Yet, more than 66.31 percent of published websites don't provide a single backlink. Website traffic often correlates to the number of backlinks a page has; thus, the more backlinks, the more organic traffic. 

Brands should create an SEO link-building strategy to increase their visibility. You can find mentions of your brand on the web and request backlinks, pitch guest blogs on relevant sites, reach out to other brands in your industry, and provide them with your resources. 

5. Utilizing the Best Local SEO Strategy

If you are a small brand that wants to raise awareness locally, you can use local SEO to optimize your online presence and gain traction within your area. There are several ways in which you can do this:

  • Localize your content by acknowledging the search intent of the audience nearby. 
  • Optimize your brand's website for voice search. 
  • Create location-specific content. 
  • Add your businesses to online NAP directories. 
  • Create content that covers local topics and events. 
  • Create a Google My Business (GMB) account. 

Case Study

Nike Golf's marketing techniques make for an excellent case study for SEO for branding. 

The main challenge faced by Nike Golf was that they lacked focused keywords that would direct interested customers to their website. However, they leveraged their SEO efforts after robust planning by deploying relevant keyword phrases, resulting in a 169 percent increase in organic traffic. 

Nike Golf's SEO team used analytics and generated a report on searched trends and keyword data to understand what their customers were seeking. They leveraged this data to focus their SEO efforts and revamp their website content. 


These are some ways in which brands can use SEO for branding. Remember that it all starts with visibility. And visibility can only be achieved if your brand knows what it is doing. It is imperative to have a robust set of brand values and goals before attempting to increase brand awareness. 

Always keep your content fresh, informative, and relevant to your audience. To target a particular core audience, focus on what interests them and optimize your content accordingly.

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