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Tue Mar 26 2024

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Checking Trending Hashtags on Instagram: 4 Methods for Beginners

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Have trouble making your Instagram account popular and growing it? Using popular and relevant hashtags on Instagram is a great way to reach new people and get more likes and comments. Trending hashtags on Instagram change constantly, so you must do some digging to keep up with them. Some helpful tools for keeping up with trending hashtags on Instagram, so you can grow your following without spending hours and hours on your phone. Read further to learn about the steps to check trending hashtags on Instagram.

Benefits of Using Trending Hashtags on Instagram

Here are some of the main benefits of using trending Instagram hashtags:

1. Promotion

When it comes to promoting a campaign, hashtags are helpful. A company's use of a hashtag to announce a promotion can spread like wildfire as more and more people use that hashtag. Using hashtags helps you get seen by your target audience and connects you with new followers.

2. Competitor Research

Instagram hashtags are a great way to see what your competitors are up to and figure out your own brand's direction. Researching competitor accounts, posts, and hashtags can be done via hashtags. This data can then be utilized to determine the level of interest among your target audience and to determine what is most effective for your company's patrons. You can also use competitor hashtag research to remain on top of Instagram's ever-changing hashtag trends.

3. Visibility

Branding, and visibility are two of the essential advantages of utilizing hashtags on Instagram. Using hashtags is a great way to grow your customer base and increase your company's brand exposure. There are two ways this can happen. Your brand's hashtags will be visible to users who search for your name. As a result, when people search for a specific hashtag, they'll see your branded posts among the relevant results. As a result, both the brand's visibility and the content's visibility are improved.

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Ways or Steps to Check Trending Hashtags on Instagram

Here are the best ways or methods to check trending hashtags on Instagram:

1. From the App Itself

Tap the search icon at the bottom of the Instagram app screen.

  • Type a keyword phrase from your list of niches into the search box, then tap Tags
  • If your photos look like those on this list, it is a great match overall.
  • Take note of the hashtags in the "Related" section above the images. Use these terms to check if they are relevant to your brand and how many posts use that hashtag.
  • Examine the posts of influential people in your niche and note which hashtags they use on Instagram.

2. Explore Page

The Explore page of Instagram shows you posts and reels that are based on the kinds of things you like to see. The content on the Explore page is chosen by an algorithm that considers how you use the app. Everyone has a different Explore page. On the Explore page, a person can search for hashtags by hand. These hashtags are important because most of the content that makes it to an Explore page is based on popular hashtags on Instagram. Take note of the hashtags you see a lot and use them in your own posts.

Trending Hashtags on InstagramTrending Hashtags on Instagram

3. Hashtag Suggestion Tool

The first is that Instagram has a feature called "autocomplete." Start typing a keyword into the search bar on Instagram. The search engine will show you hashtags that are similar and popular. The accounts you're following used these hashtags. Make sure that when you use autocomplete, you don't choose hashtags with millions of posts because yours could get lost in the crowd. The second way is to get an app that makes suggestions. There are choices, but I've found Later to be useful. The app will suggest hashtags based on what your post is about and which ones are commonly used in your field. You just type a hashtag into the search bar and click "Suggest." The app will sort the hashtags it makes for you by their relevance. Again, be aware of how many other posts are in the hashtag category so that yours doesn't get lost.

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4. Social Listening Tool

This kind of tool is a great way to find Instagram hashtags that are trending right now. The main thing that a social listening tool does is keep track of keywords that are used all over the web. Depending on which tool or tools you use, you can quickly make a list of popular hashtags. Here are a few that are popular right now.

  • RiteTagā€“ This is a complete tool that uses the content you post to suggest trending and popular hashtags. It will develop a list of hashtags based on the post's picture and text. It's also easy to use, which is a plus!
  • Task Ant- You just put a word or phrase into their search engine, and it will show you all of the hashtags that go with it. It will also give you a detailed look at each hashtag so you can decide if it fits with your niche.
  • Tagstagram-This tool can find and copy popular hashtags on Instagram based on a keyword or category. Even though some of the hashtags this tool finds are more general, the process is quick and doesn't require a lot of research.


Hashtags are used on many social media sites and have become an important part of digital marketing strategy. It's important to note that hashtags can help people find and remember your business. Hashtags can be a part of your social media campaign, whether you want to reach more people or get the word out about a new product. There are a number of ways to use hashtags to get people interested in your brand and get them more involved. Use the steps mentioned above to check trending hashtags on Instagram and make your brand more visible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What are the top 3 trending hashtags?

A. Love, fashion, and instagood are some of the common trending hashtags.

Q. How do hashtags gain followers?

A. When you click on a hashtag on Instagram, a gallery of the most popular and most recent posts containing the hashtag appears. From there, you can browse all the relevant posts, making hashtags an exemplary method for users interested in a particular topic to discover other accounts to follow.

Q. How many hashtags should I use?

A. You should use at least 15 to 20 hashtags.

Q. Do hashtags work in the comments?

A. Yes, they work equally well in both the posts and comments.

Q. Do hashtags matter?

A. Yes, they get you better engagement and attention.

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