Written By :Gigde

Mon Jun 24 2024

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Tips to get more traffic on youtube in 2024

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Why should you get more traffic on Youtube? Youtube has over 2 billion users. It is only behind Netflix in terms of views. What does that mean? It means that the content you create for youtube has the potential to reach millions of viewers.

However, not everybody gets views in millions. It can be frustrating and embarrassing when you have only 20 views on your video and only 7 of them have subscribed.

Good thing for us is that youtube is not a new platform anymore. There are hundreds of success stories to take inspiration from. Successful Youtube Creators have shared their strategies for everyone to know. You can analyze any successful youtube channel of your niche to make your own strategy.

Meanwhile, we have created a list of tips you can go through to skyrocket your Youtube Success.

Tips To Get get more traffic on youtube Videos

Here are the 7 brilliant tips to get get more traffic on youtube videos:

1. Know all the basics of YouTube

Take a look at the basics and check that all the boxes have been ticked. Your list of YouTube basics should include:

  • A cohesive and visual personality (your channel icon, YouTube channel art, etc.)
  • A complete and detailed presentation (unless you are a breakout YouTube star like Joana Ceddia)
  • Contact information up to date (so all your potential customers and future brand partners can get in touch)

2. Circle your audience and niche of the video

No matter how good you are on YouTube, this step matters a lot for every YouTuber no matter how big or small. You want to be reliable and clear with your priorities – and the material that will get you there – if you want to refine your YouTube marketing plan. It is best to know about the likes and dislikes of the audience and make videos according to it. You should own your niche and should be focused on it. When you promote youtube channels, it never does anyone any good by catering to multiple audience segments. If you own a business, this will also help you in attracting more clients through Youtube.

3. Research to improve your Youtube Video Ranking

One of the easiest ways to get more views of YouTube is to refine your search content. In other words, you want your video ranking close to the top of YouTube’s results page as your ideal audience types your picked keywords. 

This means that you must know what the audience needs – lectures, motivation or entertainment. A thorough research will help you in understanding Major social Media optimization statistics.

The easiest way to get new eyes on your videos is to put search results in the best way—not only through subscribers but also with the people who are involved in your canal. Yet it’s better to say than to do. So, what can you do to boost your YouTube video search? Proper in-depth research can help you with it. You can take the help of Google Keyword Planner to carry out this work.

4. Use good Metadata to get recommended

Take a look at the most popular videos in your niche if your purpose is to get more YouTube views. Begin by looking at the most famous video of your biggest competitor. The main aim of YouTube is to keep the user as long as possible (to display as many advertisements as possible) on the website. 

So the algorithm is to feed the audience with an amazing video. Naturally, the beholder’s eye is ‘incredible.’ A better term could be “significant” or “interesting.” The algorithm on which the YouTube works is:

  • Videos that many people want, depending on dedication, time and viewpoints
  • Videos that a particular individual may like, based on his background
  • Metadata linked videos or equivalent (i.e., titles, tags and descriptions)

However, please take a minute to think about your viewers before you just copy and paste the contents of other YouTubers. You won’t want to look again at the same footage. Perhaps the first video of a kind can help you gain the interest of the viewers, and they may get interested to know what the video is depicting. 

5. Use catchy youtube thumbnails to increase the views

To get in the Top Youtube Searches of the year, thumbnails of the videos play an essential part to get them interested to see your video. It can be challenging for YouTubers to make a video thumbnail that gains viewers interest. YouTubers must note that the thumbnail you design should be representing what viewers will see in the video. 

So you want to know what are the characteristics of a compelling thumbnail. Some of the key points that you should remember while making a YouTube Video thumbnail are:

  • A good thumbnail must be of appropriate size.
  • You must include still images from your video in the thumbnail.
  • Use contrasting colors in the thumbnail.
  • Be concise with what you add.
  • Do not have much text.
  • Never put images that are misleading or are irrelevant to the video.
  • Make an engaging thumbnail.

Many organizations only use an automated YouTube thumbnail for their videos, rather than a personalized one. This costs them to catch the attention of users by means of an attractive, engaging thumbnail to click. Ensure that it is acceptable to scale and follow best practices when making your custom photos for YouTube.

6. Create a video playlist to multiply your views

The best way to minimize the chances of viewers moving to another channel is through making a well-planned video playlist which includes videos of a similar kind. So a playlist is a feature in which when one video ends the next video starts playing automatically. 

As you have already done the hard work to help your audience find your video, click on it and look around, it is useful to guide them to the content they will want next. 

7. Reach out to various influencers to promote your channel

Influencer marketing is quickly becoming a source to target markets for major brands. The viewers have re-shared and released their contents, which may offer a rise in viral views. 

Since visitors already follow these influencers and frequently discuss their content, promotion of your video will generate a lot of views for your YouTube video and channel. There are a lot of major influencer marketing advantages, if you know how to use it effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1 How to get more traffic on Youtube?

Ans. You can increase traffic on your Youtube Channel by following these 5 easy but effective tips -

  • Know all the basics of youtube.
  • Circle your audience and niche of the video.
  • Research to improve your video ranking.
  • Use good Metadata to get recommended.
  • Use Catchy thumbnails to increase the views.

Q2 Which channel has shown the fastest growth on Youtube?

Ans. CarryMinati is one of the fastest growing channels on youtube. He has over 35 million subscribers on his channel.

Q3 Is it difficult to grow on youtube?

Ans. Youtube has introduced few tech-savvy algorithms and has changed a lot in the last 5-6 years. As a result it is not as easy as it was a few years back to grow on Youtube. There are a few key metrics you need to keep in mind if you want your channel to grow on youtube in 2023.

Q4 Why do most people fail to get big on Youtube?

Ans. Majority of people fail on youtube because they lack consistency. More than anything, you need consistency on youtube. With every video you get better and slowly you start getting recognition for it. Most people create videos just for the sake of it.

Final Words

YouTube is a massive platform, and for getting a good amount of views, you must give your full dedication and work with complete focus to grow your channel. If you are working full time on this platform, then one thing that you must remember is that patience is the key to success on YouTube. 

You just have to focus on your content and be regular in posting the video. To get more traffic on youtube, just follow the tips mentioned above and you will surely see an increase in your views and this will also help in growing your Subscribers. So be patient and work hard to increase your YouTube views.


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