Recruitment Fraud Alert

Important Disclaimer!

Gigde wishes to draw the attention of the general public that certain villainous persons are representing themselves as our employees, agents or HR representatives. Under this false pretense, they are being supplied with false, unscrupulous and misleading information by the Perpetrators /Scammers and have been acquiring money from you by offering job, task, invest, or inviting you to invest in any business opportunities by claiming that they are contacting you on our behalf. The occurrence of swindling activity being perpetuated by fraudsters who aim to deceive and defraud the general public.

We do not solicit for nor accept money from anyone for any kind of investments. Members of the public are hereby strongly advised not to send money to such scammers, as Gigde will have no liability whatsoever for any and all losses/damages suffered by anyone who falls victim to such scams.

The Gigde Recruitment team corresponds from email addresses with the domain “”. However, there is also a possibility of scammers to display the sent email domain address as “” fraudulently. Nevertheless, receiving emails will be possible only with the legitimate “” domain. In case any generic email ID ending with Gmail/Yahoo domain is copied while receiving a job offer or interview call, please be alert on the likelihood of a scammer.

We live in a digital world that no longer has set boundaries and connectivity as a result of it, we are encountering fraudulent activities in our day to day life. You are strongly advised to exercise great caution and disregard such offers and invitations. Further, to seek any information/clarification by contacting our customer support team at

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