Written By :Gigde

Tue Jan 02 2024

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How to Check Cached Version of Website for Google Indexing

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In the era of turbo-speed internet and the users being all over the world. Everyone wants fast results for their web search. So the Google View cached page especially works for the same. Imagine a web page you often visit but your internet is not working and it's unable to send requests to servers.

In this type of case, the browser loads the cached version of the website which it saves from your previous visit. But how does this all work? No need to worry as we have covered all the related queries in this blog.

After reading the title there might be many questions in your mind right now but the most common question is “What is a cached version?”. A cached version of the website is a saved copy of a website data on a device’s browser for quick access.

When you access a website, the browser makes a request to the server hosting the website. The server replies by providing the files and data to display the page on your screen. However, caching systems sometimes save duplicates of the website's files on the device. This enhances performance and reduces the burden on the server. This duplicate copy is what we call a cached version.

Moving forward these are some topics we will be looking into:

  1. How does Google view cached pages?
  2. Are cached pages removed? or has Google hidden them
  3. How Google Cache can be used for SEO
  4. How cached pages work on mobile?
  5. Why do people demand a website's cached version?

How does Google View Cached Page?

Whenever you visit a website or a web page, Google uses a bot named Crawler. Crawler’s work is to scan all the content written on the web page. It then takes a snapshot of the web page and indexes all its data for future reference. Google also provides the latest indexing date of the cached version of the website.

If you're attempting to find the data from a website but it seems the page is down (or slow). In this case, you might try to find older cached version of the website. You will be able to see the HTML from the previous time a Googlebot crawled the page. The page might not seem exactly the same on the surface, but at least you will be able to fetch the data you are looking for.

Are Cached Pages Removed or Google Hide them?

In the older version of the Google search engine, Google provides a cached option. It allows a user to view the cached version of a website which is a text-only webpage without fancy UI.

But in one update of the search engine, google removed the cache website option. But are Google cached pages gone? The answer is no, they just changed their position.

In the first update, they moved the cached version of website options inside the instant preview option. When you hover the mouse pointer over the double arrows it activates the instant preview. But in the recent update, the location of the cached is also changed. Now it's inside the beta version of “About this result” which is again activated by clicking the 3 dots.

These updates are usually made to optimize the search engines' cached pages so that it provides the best performance to users.

How to use Google Cache for Search Engine Optimization

Any website’s prime goal is to gain more and more target audiences on it. When Google crawls your website, all these search engine optimize components are helpful. To help your website rank, you should ensure that all of your pages are indexed. However, you want to make sure that Googlebot can grasp what it discovers on your website when it crawls it. The relevancy and ranking of your page are determined by what Googlebot reads.

After that, it stores that data. You should also have a look at your cached version of website in order to understand what Googlebot sees. This can provide you with planned suggestions on how to enhance your website and where there is an opportunity for growth.

There are certain drawbacks to caching often-updated websites in terms of SEO. If Google's cache is updated less often than the page itself, users might not find the most recent data on a website. For these issues sometimes taking support from experts is the best option. Gigde Global emerges as a great support for your website in SEO-related issues. They provide many tools to help your website reach the target audience.

How Cached pages work on mobile?

Since smartphones have been introduced to the world, they gained millions of internet users in a few years. As mobiles are more compatible than a PC and can be used on remote networks, it’s a piece of cake for anyone to use search engines. Thus Google started to focus more on its mobile version’s search.

Google then rolled out a feature of mobile-first indexing which asks for a website to be also optimized for mobile search engines also. They first made this decision to move algorithms from focusing on a desktop version toward a mobile-first strategy in 2016.

Like the desktop, mobile also supports Google cached pages in text-only format. To see Google cached pages mobile users need to change some settings in their search engines. You can access it by enabling simplified text in your browser setting.

Why Do People Demand a Cached Version of a Website?

The immediate response time to search requests is the main advantage of the cached version. By reducing the length of time customers must wait. Caching process lowers their dissatisfaction and, as a result, lowers their bounce rate. A website owner should know how to use Google Cache as it provides backups of both the content and the most recent version of a website even if its owner has completely demolished it. Effective content research is crucial for cached versions of websites.

It's challenging to outperform Google Cache in terms of performance and usability. As a result, it's a helpful tool to look for web pages & for monitoring particular aspects of your website. There are five points that need to be considered for you to use Google Cache as a website owner:

1. Zero content duplicity

Verify that there are no duplicate segments of content. A cached link may direct you to a different website from the one you intended when you click on it. One method for this to happen is through duplicate material. Google does not keep two different cached versions of websites distinct in the index when it finds that they are incredibly similar. There are various tools available that can help you find duplicate content on websites, allowing you to identify and resolve any instances of repeated information. Because of this, only one is kept. Consider the two pages and plan a method to separate them.

2. Use of canonical tags

Verify that Google accepts your canonical tags. Despite the fact that you've added “rel=canonical” tags to tell Google which version to crawl. It's still possible that your website contains duplicate content on purpose. Check a page's Google Cache entry if you don't want it indexed. A cached version of the canonical page should be displayed to you.

3. Verify your website’s indexing

Check to see if your marketing campaigns have been crawled. If you've raised your SEO or content creation efforts and need to be sure Google has indexed the alterations, you may quickly check the cached version of website to see if it has been crawled. Your edits have been indexed and will start to affect the search result rankings if you see them in the cache.

4. Monitor competitor's content

Keep track of any changes made to the websites of your business rivals. When you conduct business as usual, it's possible that your competitor will unintentionally overtake you at the top of the search results for an important keyword. The importance of keyword research is crucial for optimizing website content and monitoring competitors' content. Ever consider how someone arrived there? Google Cache makes it simple to find out. To see what updates the rival has recently made, you can compare their most recent cached site with yours.

5. Always have a backup

Make sure you always maintain a copy of your website in case anything happens to the live version. The worst can happen to even the most well-prepared person. A partial backup cannot be replaced by the Google Cache version of your website. But you can view how your pages looked prior to the disaster. This Cached version of website can be used to restore lost data.


The cached version of website is a saved copy of the data on your site for reuse later. Web browsers can access your website's data more quickly thanks to this, which reduces loading time.

Website owners can benefit greatly from Google Cache. It's a quick way to see how your website was indexed, and when you look for cached web pages it can help with problem-finding. Google cached pages help to deliver a dependable and consistent user experience. If a site loads slowly or not at all, Google will offer users a cached version of the page.

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